" Thai Proverb " Are you ready !!
If you're ready..... Let' go.
1.It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.
H̄nthāng pị s̄ū̀ khwām yìng h̄ıỵ̀ ỳxm t̂xng fạnf̄̀ā xups̄rrkh
2. The best fish swims near the bottom.
K̄hxngdī mī kh̀ā t̂xng kĥnh̄ā cụng ca cex
3.The used key is always bright. ( Practice makes perfect. )
Kār f̄ụkf̄n xyū̀ s̄emx thảh̄ı̂ keid khwām chảnāỵ.
4.To accomplish great deeds one must have knowledge as well as courage.
Khwām s̄ảrĕc thī̀ yìng h̄ıỵ̀ xyū̀ thī̀ kảlạngcı læa pạỵỵā
5. Hair by hair you will pull out the horse’s tail.
Khwām s̄ảrĕc keid k̄hụ̂n dị̂ pherāa khwām pheīyr
6. Better to be the head lf a dog than the tail lf a lion.
Pĕn h̄ıỵ̀ nı thī̀ lĕk dī kẁā pĕn lĕk nı thī̀ h̄ıỵ̀
7. Half a loaf is better than none.
Mæ̂ mī n̂xy d̂xy kh̀ā yạng dī kẁā mị̀mī ley
8. He who would eat the nuts must first crack the shell.
P̄hū̂ mị̀ ỳxtĥx t̀x xups̄rrkh cụng ca pras̄b khwām s̄ảrĕc
9. Never judge a book by its cover.
Xỳā tạds̄in s̄ìng dı pheīyng p̣hāynxk thī̀ mxng h̄ĕn
10. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
อย่าตำหนิคนอื่นเขา ในเมื่อตัวเราก็ไม่ต่างกัน (ว่าแต่เขาอิเหนาเป็นเอง)
Xỳā tảh̄ni khn xụ̄̀n k̄heā Nı meụ̄̀x tạw reā k̆ mị̀ t̀āng kạn
11. It’s harder to conquer one’ own ambitions than it’s to slay a dragon.
Ḳh̀ā mạngkr yạng ng̀āy kẁā dạb tạṇh̄ā nı tạw xeng
12. It is better to be envied than pitied.
ถูกมองอย่างอิจฉา ดีกว่าถูกมองอย่างสมเพช
T̄hūk mxng xỳāng xicc̄hā Dī kẁā t̄hūk mxng xỳāng s̄mphech
The End ( pass1 )
by..... Chun c̄h̀āy ♥
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